Please read this important document which outlines our home learning provision during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Home Learning


Please check into your child's class pages (which are on the classrooms tab above) for daily lessons eg


As well as the individual class work set on each class page, there are also extra resources and links on the subject tabs to the left of this page, e.g. Literacy and Numeracy (maths). These resources can be used at anytime as extension work if needed.


With the school closures taking place ‘until further notice’, we have created a list of resources children can access from home for all year groups.


Although, all the resources have been approved and checked by staff; please ensure that children are using them safely and under suitable guidance.  


For support and guidance on how to keep your children safe on-line at home, please see the below resources from ThinkUKnow.  


EYFS Online Safety Resources

KS1 Online Resources

KS2 Online Resources

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