22 Jan

Y2 - trip to the Lady Lever Art Gallery

Year 2 visited the Lady Lever Art Gallery and explored both landscape and portrait painting by famous artists such as John Constable and Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Knowledge: I can talk about art I have seen using some appropriate subject vocabulary.

Skills: I can tell the difference between a…

22 Jan

Pitch Perfect: Year 5's Throwing Triumphs!

Today, Year 5 had an exciting cricket practice session focused on improving their throwing techniques. The students were full of energy and enthusiasm as they took to the field. Under the guidance of their coach, they practiced various drills designed to enhance their accuracy and strength.


21 Jan

Year 5's Storyboard Adventure

Year 5 students created a storyboard of Arthur's quest to catch a cat's footfall, using adverbs to bring the story to life. They illustrated Arthur moving stealthily, listening intently, and waiting patiently. This fun project helped them understand how adverbs enhance storytelling while…

20 Jan

Viscosity of Liquids

Children in Year 4 have been Working Scientifically to explore the viscosities of different liquids.  

16 Jan

Y6 Science Workshop

Excellent workshop today Y6!

We were joined by an 'Energy' expert from Evolution. They spoke about different forms of energy (renewable, non-renewable and sustainable). We also studied the science behind electric cars before making our very own cars to race on a track!


An excellent…

16 Jan

Y2 - Art and Design

Year 2 are learning about painting and mixed media.  They have been "texture detectives", exploring the outdoors for suitable materials to use.

Knowledge: to know how texture can be made with paint.

Skills: to describe colours and textures

Vocab: texture, colour

15 Jan

Here comes Summer ... well almost!

I don't like cricket. I love it!!

It is Winter here. The women's ashes are taking place in Australia at present and we are getting in the cricket spirit too!

13 Jan

Year 1 PSHE

Please click on this link to see the hand washing song we used to help us wash hands thoroughly. 



10 Jan

Year 1 2025

9 Jan

Y2 - Computing

Year 2 have been programming a Beebot in order to travel around the world as aviators!

Knowledge: to program a programmable toy

Skills: to use the directional buttons to move the Beebot

Vocab: forwards, backwards, left, right, clear

7 Jan

Y2 - Rights and Responsibilites

Behaviour focus - each week, all classes consider what their rights and responsibilities are.  In Y2, we have discussed as a whole class our Class Behaviour Agreement and how rules can help them learn, stay safe and respect others.

Knowledge: I know that some rules are made to be followed by…