Successful learners… Confident individuals… Caring friends… Responsible Citizens



At Brookside Primary School we have embedded ‘Secrets of Success’ throughout the school from Nursery to Reception to help to help our children in their behaviour, attitudes and values. 


What is success?

Success isn’t just about money. It is about happiness, choices and feeling good about yourself. Successful people feel good about:

  • How hard they have tried

  • Who they are

  • What they spend their time doing

  • The choices they have made in their lives


Here are some things everyone should know…

  • You are not born successful.

  • Everyone has setbacks and failures

  • The first step to success is choosing…. do you want to be successful?


Secrets of Success

Updated: 02/05/2020 85 KB
Updated: 02/05/2020 2.92 MB