At Brookside, our whole curriculum (the 'what', 'when' and 'how' of learning) is shaped by our school vision, which aims to enable all children regardless of background, ability or additional needs to flourish and to be 'happy and successful in everything we do'.

As a school, we have been on an exciting journey to reclaim and rejuvenate the curriculum.  We now place much greater emphasis on individual subjects within a full and varied curriculum.

We want your child to have the fantastic experience of being a historian or an artist or a musician or a scientist.  It is by enjoying opportunities for deep learning within subjects that your child can reach their potential and begin to discover where their talents lie.

Our teachers are also passionate, highly skilled and well-trained subject leaders who are very experienced in their roles.  They have ensured that all our National Curriculum subjects have a planned progression and sequence to them so that parents can see how we will build your child's knowledge, skills and vocabulary in each subject, year on year throughout their time at primary school.

We have thought carefully about our subject endpoints - where we want your child to be by the end of the year - and we assess against these.  Teachers will be able to use this information to help them plan the next stage of your child's learning journey appropriately.  It will also enable subject leaders to identify strengths and weaknesses so that we can plan our next steps in an ongoing process of school improvement.

Below you can see our long term curriculum plans for Y1-6.  Click on the subject tabs here on our Curriculum page to see how we have planned the development of each subject.  To see in more detail what your child is learning in class this half-term, click on the Classrooms page.  We welcome your feedback at any time by discussing your child's progress with their class teacher or with the headteacher.


Curriculum Overviews 2024-2025

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