We encourage the children to keep to uniform colours and wear their school badge with pride. 

Here is a link to our uniform suppliers:



It is Brookside Primary School’s policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in an event organised by school outside normal school hours.


Nursery - Reception


Year 1 - Year 4 


Year 5 - Year 6



Gold Poloshirt

White Poloshirt

Jade Poloshirt




Jade sweatshirt or cardigan

Jade sweatshirt or cardigan

Black sweatshirt or cardigan




Grey or black skirt or trousers

Grey or black skirt or trousers

Black skirt or trousers




Black shoes

Black shoes

Black shoes


Sweatshirts, cardigans and poloshirts are available from the school office.


All children are required to change of PE.  We encourage the children to wear the Brookside PE kit:

  • a plain white T-shirt
  • black shorts
  • plimsolls (or trainers)
  • Track suit or fleece and jogging bottoms during colder weather
  • PE bag – drawstring type