At Brookside Primary School, we see the internet and other digital and information technologies as powerful tools, which open up new opportunities. Electronic communication helps teachers and students learn from each other. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning.


Whilst we encourage the use of these technologies, we also recognise the need to actively teach and promote their safe use.  It is essential that school and parents/carers work together to promote e-safety messages to all the children in our care and to provide guidance to children on how to keep safe online and what to do if they feel uncomfortable in a situation.  

Below are a variety of different websites and resources that you can access to keep your children safe in our digital world.   


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The DigiDuck Engaging online safety stories for young children (Nursery to Year 2) 

Follow Digiduck® and his pals in these stories of friendship, responsibility and critical thinking online.

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DigiDuck Stories

Updated: 28/04/2020 8.81 MB
Updated: 28/04/2020 5.99 MB


Smartie Penguin online safety story for Nursery to Year 2 

Join in with Mummy Penguin’s song and follow the adventures of Smartie the Penguin as he learns how to be safe on the internet. 

Story One covers the following 3 themes:  Pop ups and in app purchasing; Inappropriate websites for older children and CyberBullying

Story Two covers the following 3 themes: Upsetting images, Unreliable information and Talking to strangers online

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Smart Penguin Stories

Updated: 28/04/2020 2.89 MB
Updated: 28/04/2020 6.40 MB
Updated: 28/04/2020 2.88 MB
Updated: 28/04/2020 6.68 MB
Updated: 28/04/2020 3.00 MB
Updated: 28/04/2020 6.05 MB


The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew

These cartoons illustrate 5 e-safety SMART rules and include a real life SMART Crew of young people, who guide the cartoon characters in their quest, and help them make safe online decisions.

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If you have and questions or concerns with regards to e-safety then please do not hesitate to contact us.