“Arthur and the Golden Rope” Myth “Odd & the Frost Giants” Fiction: Myths & Legends |
What Are We Learning? |
Multiplication & Division (B)
Fractions (B)
Science: Properties and Changing of Materials What is a mixture and how do I separate it into its parts? Working scientifically: doing & data |
Y5 Curriculum Overview: Spring A 2025 ‘Desert or Not?’
Core Value: AMBITION Secrets of Success: Push Yourself
Cultural Capital: Visit to Ellesmere Port Library |
Health and Wellbeing Safety & the Changing Body Citizenship |
French: Do you have a Pet? |
Geography: Would you like to live in the desert? |
D&T: Mechanical Systems: Making a Pop-Up Book |
Art: Recap last half-term: Sculpture and 3D: Interactive Installations |
Computing: Google Earth Project - Comparing biomes from around the world.
PE: Invasion Games: Volleyball (Tues) Cricket (Wed) |
Music: Instrumental tuition (every Wednesday) |
RE: SIKHISM Why is community and equality important to Sikhs? |
History: Recap last half-term: How have children’s lives changed? |
Parents - please recap this previous learning with your child:
Pathways to Read: “Hansel & Gretel” (Fiction: Traditional) Pathways to Write: “The Lost Happy Endings” (Traditional Tales) |
What Were We Learning? |
Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Fractions
Science: Properties and Changing of Materials: What is a mixture and how do I separate it into its parts? Working scientifically: PLANNING |
Y5 Curriculum Overview: Autumn B 2024 ‘Step Back in Time’
Core Value: DETERMINATION Secrets of Success: Work Hard & Concentrate Cultural Capital: Panto; Safety Central Trip; URENCO workshop |
Family and Relationships Health and Wellbeing |
French: At the tea room |
Geography: Recap last half-term: What is life like in the Alps? |
D&T: Recap last half-term: Electrical Systems Doodlers |
Art: Sculpture and 3D: Interactive Installations |
Computing: Computer Science: Espresso Coding |
PE: Dance: Street Art (Tues) Health Related Exercise (Wed) |
Music: The Blues |
RE: ISLAM How is the Muslim faith expressed through family life? |
History: What was life like in Tudor Britain? |
Parents - please recap this previous learning with your child:
Pathways to Read: “Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls” (Recount: Biography)
Pathways to Write: “Queen of the Falls” (Diary writing) |
What Were We Learning? |
Place Value
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division
Science: Properties and Changing of Materials What is a mixture and how do I separate it into its parts? Working scientifically: PLANNING |
Y5 Curriculum Overview: Autumn A 2024 ‘Let’s Go To The Alps!’
Core Value: CONFIDENCE Secrets of Success: Try new things
Cultural Capital: URENCO Science Workshop |
Family and Relationships Health and Wellbeing |
French: Phonetics Lesson 2 – 3/The Date |
Geography: What is life like in the Alps? |
D&T: Electrical Systems: Doodlers |
Art: Craft and Design: Architecture |
Computing: Information Technology Understanding Search Engines |
PE: Invasion Games: Netball (Tues) Striking & Fielding: Rounders (Wed) |
Music: The Blues |
RE: ISLAM Why are the Five Pillars important to Muslims? |
History: Recap last term: The Vikings |
Click here: Year 5 Blog to find out what we have been learning so far this year.
If you have any queries or issues that you will like to discuss, please contact me via email: and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Year 5 Team
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