“Selfish Giant” Classic fiction & Explanation “Survivors” Non-fiction |
What Are We Learning? |
Ratio Algebra Number: decimals |
Science: Light How does light travel? Working scientifically: doing & data |
Y6 Curriculum Overview: Spring A 2025 ‘A Census Study’
Core Value: AMBITION Secrets of Success: Push Yourself
Cultural Capital: Visit to Port Sunlight |
Health and Wellbeing Safety & the Changing Body Citizenship |
French: Clothes |
Geography: Recap last half-term: Why does population change? |
D&T: Recap last half-term: Textiles: Waistcoats |
Art: Drawing: Making My Voice Heard
Creating an Information Poster
PE: Invasion Games: Netball (Tues) Cricket (Wed) |
Music: Themes & Variations Pop Art |
RE: SIKHISM How do Sikhs worship? |
History: What does the Census tell us about our local area? |
Parents - please recap this previous learning with your child:
Pathways to Read: “Into the Jungle” (Fiction: Classical Information) Pathways to Write: “Can we Save the Tiger?” (Information and Explanation hybrid text) |
What Were We Learning? |
Measurement: converting units |
Science: Electricity: How do humans use electricity? Working scientifically: PLANNING |
Y6 Curriculum Overview: Autumn B 2024 ‘Why Do Populations Change?’
Core Value: DETERMINATION Secrets of Success: Work Hard & Concentrate Cultural Capital: Panto; Ellesmere Port Town Centre Fieldwork |
Family and Relationships Health and Wellbeing |
French: Do you have a pet? |
Geography: Why does population change? |
D&T: Textiles: Waistcoats |
Art: Recap last half-term: Craft and Design: Photo Opportunity |
Computing: Digital Literacy: Data handling (Population Change) |
PE: Dance: Prejudice & Discrimination (Tues) Health Related Exercise (Fri) |
Music: Advanced Rhythms |
RE: WORLD VIEWS What do religious and non-religious world views believe about equality, justice and fairness? |
History: Recap last half-term: What was the impact of WW2 on the people of Britian? |
Parents - please recap this previous learning with your child:
Literacy: Pathways to Read: “When we were Warriors” (Poetry Fiction: Historical) Pathways to Write: “Star of Fear, Star of Hope” (Flashback Story & Information) |
What Were We Learning? |
Place Value
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division |
Science: Animals, including Humans What affects the health of humans? Working scientifically: PLANNING |
Y6 Curriculum Overview: Autumn A 2024 ‘Britain at War’
Core Value: CONFIDENCE Secrets of Success: Try new things
Cultural Capital: Residential Trip to Anglesey |
Family and Relationships
Health and Wellbeing |
French: Phonetics Lesson 3 – 4 The Date |
Geography: Recap last term: Oceans |
D&T: Cooking and Nutrition: Come Dine With Me |
Art: Craft & Design: Photo Opportunity |
Computing: Digital Literacy: Information Poster: World War II |
PE: Invasion Games: Netball (Tues) Striking & Fielding: Rounders (Fri) |
Music: Dynamics, Pitch & Tempo: Fingal’s Cave |
RE: WORLDVIEWS What does it mean to live in a religiously diverse world? |
History: What was the impact of WWII on the people of Britian? |
Click here: Year 6 Blog to find out what we have been learning so far this year.
If you have any queries or issues that you will like to discuss, please contact me via email: and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Year 6 Team
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