Visits to our school are encouraged and would ask you to contact the school to make a convenient time to visit and have a look around.



We adopt the CWAC admission procedures, if you would like to apply for a place in Reception in our school, please click the link below.



If you would like to apply for a place in our school (Year 1 to Year 6), please contact the school or apply online by completing an In-Year transfer form here


Admission Documents

Updated: 12/06/2020 995 KB
Updated: 14/04/2020 84 Bytes
Brookside Primary School Admission Policy - September 2020 **PLANNED RELEASE SEPTEMBER 2020**
Updated: 15/03/2023 6.76 MB
Updated: 24/04/2020 577 KB
Updated: 15/03/2023 558 KB