“The Dragon Machine”
Adventure Story
What Are We Learning? |
Measurement: money
Number: multiplication & division |
Science: Use of Materials: Why do we make things out of certain materials? |
Y2 Curriculum Overview: Spring A 2025 ‘Flying High’
Core Value: AMBITION Secrets of Success: Push Yourself
Cultural Capital: Trip to Lady Lever Art Gallery |
PSHE: Health and Wellbeing Safety & the Changing Body Citizenship |
Recap last half-term: Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?
Recap last half-term: Structures: Making a chair |
Art: Painting & Mixed Media Life in Colour |
Computer Science: Programming a bee-bot |
PE: Dance: Explorers (Wednesday) |
Music: Instruments Musical Storytelling |
RE: CHRISTIANITY Why is the Bible a special book for Christians? |
History: How did we learn to fly? |
Parents - please recap this previous learning with your child:
“The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark”
Non-chronological report
What Were We Learning? |
Science: Use of Materials Why do we make things out of certain materials? |
Y2 Curriculum Overview: Autumn B 2024 ‘Hot and Cold Places’
Core Value: DETERMINATION Secrets of Success: Work Hard & Concentrate Cultural Capital: Panto; Hope Farm Church Visit |
PSHE: Family and Relationships Health and Wellbeing |
Geography: Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?
D&T: Structures: Making a chair |
Art: Drawing: Tell A Story |
Computing: Digital Literacy: Data Handling |
PE: Gymnastics Pathways (Wednesday) |
Music: West African Call & Response Songs: Animals; Nativity Songs |
RE: JUDAISM How do Jews show faith through practices and celebrations? |
History: Recap last half-term: How was school different in the past? |
Parents - please recap this previous learning with your child:
“Troll Swamp”
Story – focus on characters
What Were We Learning? |
Science: Animals, including humans How do humans stay healthy? |
Y2 Curriculum Overview: Autumn A 2024 ‘School Days’
Core Value: CONFIDENCE Secrets of Success: Try new things
Cultural Capital: Visit to Bickley Farm |
PSHE: Economic Wellbeing
Transition Lesson
Geography: Recap last term: What is it like to live in Shanghai? |
D&T: Stand Alone DT Day: Cooking and Nutrition: A balanced diet |
Art: Craft and Design: Map It Out |
Computing: Digital Literacy: Developing Basic Skills |
PE: Dodging and Jumping (Wednesday) |
Music: Call & Response: Animals |
RE: JUDAISM: What do Jews believe about God? |
History: How was school different in the past? |
Click here: Year 2 Blog to find out what we have been learning so far this year.
This year, we will be focussing on x10/5/2 multiplication and division facts.
Please continue to practise ALL your multiplication and division facts EVERY day.
If you have any queries or issues that you will like to discuss, please contact me via email: and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Year 2 Team
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