At Brookside Primary School, we believe that children can only learn effectively if they attend school regularly. Good attendance is essential for them to gain the appropriate skills which will equip them for life. Poor school attendance will have a detrimental impact on a child’s academic progress and overall development. Every day counts!

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We celebrate attendance weekly: On a Tuesday morning, during assembly Mr Orme announces which class had the highest attendance % the previous week. The winning class is awarded an attendance trophy for the week and an extended playtime. In addition to this, at the end of each half term and term, the class with the highest overall attendance % receives a prize. Our pupils love it when their class wins the trophy! And the attendance prizes always go down a treat!

We do understand that absence is occasionally unavoidable and for genuine reasons. As a school we are always striving to make positive improvements and hope that we can work in partnership with Parents/Carers to make this happen.

May we remind you that time off during the school term will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are one off events which are unavoidable. All Parents/Carers must complete an ‘Application for a pupil to be absent from school’. This can be obtained from the school office or on our school website. We will then write to you to let you know the outcome of your request. Please complete the form well in advance where possible.

Please try to make any medical appointments for after the school day or during the school holidays. We understand that circumstances do not always allow for this. If this cannot happen, please bring your child into school before/after their appointment. Please provide a copy of your child’s appointment where possible.

Here On Time Every Day! Clock Style Sign

All pupils should be in school ready to start learning by 8.45am. Any child arriving between 8.45am and 9.15am will receive a late mark. Children arriving after 9.15am will receive an unauthorised absence mark which will affect their attendance %. Any child arriving after 8.45am must come in via the front door and be signed in on the screen.

If your child is going to be absent from school, contact must be made first thing that morning and each day thereafter.Contact can be made via our Brookside school website under 'Absence reporting' or by calling school on 0151 558 1123 and choosing Option 3. Please provide us with as much information as possible about why your child cannot attend school. The School Attendance Officer Mrs Austin may still contact you if we require more information regarding their illness. Please ensure we have your up to date contact details.

Please always give an honest reason why your child is not in school. If you are experiencing issues getting your child into school you can contact our Pastoral Manager Mrs Austin.


Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Updated: 01/10/2024 2.71 MB

Attendance Newsletter Oct 24

Updated: 07/10/2024 220 KB