
At Brookside Primary School, Physical Education (PE) is an integral part of our Curriculum that is inclusive and engages all pupils, in a safe and supportive environment. We aspire for children to acquire, develop and refine their practical skills and techniques; to further their knowledge and understanding of PE concepts and principles and develop their overall competence, to enjoy, and excel in, a broad range of sports and physical activities.

We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities which inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills; to enjoy their learning; to be resilient and consistently strive to give their best efforts at all times and achieve their potential and personal best.

Children participate in competitive sport and through this we teach children how to cooperate and collaborate effectively as part of a team and compete appropriately against others, adhering to the principles of fairness, sportsmanship and respect, values we hope to embed for future life.

We understand the importance PE, School Sport and Physical Activity have on children’s general health, fitness and mental wellbeing. We provide opportunities for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and we teach children the importance of leading healthy, active lives and making informed and appropriate lifestyle choices.

Swimming is an important life skill and we aspire for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 meters.



  • PE at Brookside Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Strike and Field Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor & Adventure Activities and Swimming


  • In Nursery, children begin to develop the foundations of movement through accessing the Physical Development strand of development matters. This is taught discretely within the continuous provision throughout the day and through some focus activities. This continues into Reception. Reception begin formal PE sessions within the Autumn term. They also continue to develop these skills within their continuous provision.


  • In KS2 children have 2 hours of quality PE sessions a week following the prescribed Complete PE plans. We ensure planning, content and delivery is age appropriate. Our scheme ensures lessons, year on year, are progressive in both knowledge and skill.


  • The long-term plan sets out the PE units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.


  • In addition to their weekly PE lessons, all children in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular sports activities throughout the year.


  • Children in KS1 and KS2 and SEND children also have opportunities to participate in the local Ellesmere Port School Sports Partnership Inter School sports competitions and festivals. This is an inclusive approach which endeavors to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.


  • During the year, key stage 2 classes take it in turns to attend swimming lessons. We also have a catch-up course at the end of the summer term for any children in year 6 that are still not fully secure in the expected standard.


  • The emphasis of our PE curriculum is inclusion for all children regardless of sporting ability. We provide suitable learning opportunities for all children, including those with SEND.


  • We promote both participation and competition through P.E and sport. We ensure all children experience competition at some level, individually or in a team, within lessons.


  • We offer a Residential OAA experience for children in Years 4 and 6 each year


  • We have an annual inclusive Sports Day, with the emphasis on participation and achievement for all


  • All children participate in whole school daily sessions of “The Daily Mile “ and “Active 5” to promote health, fitness, mental wellbeing and personal challenge and resilience. Children compare their performances with previous ones and strive to improve their personal best. Competing with others fosters a sense of team spirit and cooperation amongst our children.


  • We are soon to launch ‘Sports Leaders’ for the school. Upper key stage 2 children will develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time clubs, our annual Sports day and any other Sporting activities.



At Brookside Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is inclusive and progressive and allows all children the opportunity to acquire and develop fundamental knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques and apply these to a wide variety of different sports and activities.

PE lessons are fun, enjoyable and challenging and all children can achieve, to the best of their ability, in a supportive, safe and stimulating environment.  Our pupils are physically active, and this has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise and activity for their physical and mental wellbeing.

We aspire for all children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity, which hopefully becomes part of their future life outside of Primary School. Children have opportunities to participate in sport after school can also represent the school at sporting events from local to county level. IN PE, we also measure impact by:

  • Regular learning walks
  • Pupil questionnaires
  • PE Premium spend analysis
  • Analysis of participation at after school clubs and Ellesmere Port SSP competitions
  • Assessment data


Action Plan 2022-2023

Local club links

PE Policy

Long term plan

Progression of skills, knowledge and vocab document




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