Firstly, a huge welcome to Brookside Primary School. Starting school is an exciting time: a time of new experiences, new friends and new places. Our school days provide a secure and anxiety-free environment where your child can play, explore, experiment, investigate and learn. We also encourage the children to acquire skills and knowledge through first-hand experience, gaining a sound understanding of the world around them.
We are very lucky to have 4 learning classrooms (2 inside and 2 outside).
What does a typical school day look and feel like? Have a look at our timetable.
Useful Links
Please find below a link to a ppt for new parents. This will outline our learning in EYFS and our day to day routines.
Reading, Phonics and Writing
Introduction to Read Write Inc for parents
We follow White Rose planning in EYFS. Please see the over view below.
Over view 2023-2024
Curriculum planning
Here you will find the Reception Long Term Plan for the current year. We plan through themes, children's interests and possible lines of enquiry.
Reception Documents
EYFS and NC Links