Statement of Intent

At Brookside Primary School we aim to provide the children across all 3 Key Stages with a broad and balanced History Curriculum as it provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved over generations.




  • The History Curriculum will teach pupils to think critically, weigh evidence and sift arguments. Children will work towards Year Group End Points that demonstrate they have an understanding of chronology – from the individual period they are studying in their year group to how the period they are studying fits in with other periods they have studied.
  • Children will develop their understanding of past events, people and changes in the past and aim to incorporate key vocabulary of time related words as well as the topic specific language pertaining to their period of study.
  • To do this they will use the skills of a historian looking at evidence from the past in the shape historical artefacts, pictures, documents, eye witness accounts.
  • They will ask what it was like for people of that period through to examining what the consequences and legacies of the periods they have explored were and speculating what might of happened if events had turned out differently.





The implementation of this curriculum will ensure that, when children leave Brookside Primary School, they

  • Know and understand how people shaped this nation
  • Know how Britain has influenced the world
  • Have developed a chronological narrative - from settlers, invaders to the development of institutions that govern our lives today
  • Understand the significance of sources and how  our knowledge of the past is shaped by a different range of sources
  • Use evidence to examine contrasting arguments
  • Contrast local events and figures with National and International events and figures


History Curriculum

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