Welcome to Brookside Primary School

"Happy and successful in everything we do!"


Thank you for visiting our website.  On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, may I wish you a warm welcome to Brookside Primary School.


Here at Brookside, the personal development and fulfilment of every child is at the heart of our mission, underpinned by a strong commitment to community, curriculum and caring.  We are extremely proud of our school and the way that everyone works together to make it a happy place to learn, play and work. We believe that education should be an exciting journey, where everyone has the opportunity to be happy and successful in everything we do.  We constantly strive to give the children the best possible education by providing high quality teaching and learning, and outstanding care and support through an excellent child-centred curriculum.


The best way to find out about our school is to come in and visit us.  But there is so much to look at on our website - perhaps start by clicking on the 'Classrooms' tab.  Here you will be able to see what our children are learning right now this half-term in every year group.  You'll also be able to review what they learnt in their subjects last half-term too - it's so vital for the children to revisit this prior learning to give it the best chance of staying in their long-term memories.  We are especially proud of our 'Brookside Blog'.  Here, we showcase our recent learning experiences, the knowledge, skills and vocabulary we're acquiring, the values we hold dear, and the enjoyment we have in our rich curriculum and from being valued members of our school community.  Use the filter system to select year groups and subject areas or just scroll on down to take it all in.


We hope you find our website informative and that it gives you an insight into life at our school. 


Daniel Orme