Our Governors are here to help and support the school.



Message from the Mr Paul Donovan, Chair of Governors


The Governing Body consists of:

  • Co-opted Governors - people appointed by the governing body and who have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

  • 1 LA Governor – who is appointed by the Local Authority in Cheshire West and Chester

  • Parent Governors – who are elected by the parents of the children who attend Brookside Primary School. 

  • 1 Staff Governor – who is chosen by the staff at Brookside Primary School. 

  • The Headteacher


Many of us have long-standing connections with Brookside Primary School.  Most of us have children who attended Brookside Primary School or who are currently enjoying their education at our wonderful school.


The one thing we all have in common is that we believe that the children and staff at Brookside Primary School are outstanding in every way. We have first hand experience of seeing that the children and staff are committed to our ethos - 'To be happy and successful in everything we do'.   


How do we help?

  • We are here to help and support the Senior Leadership Team of our school.

  • We are involved in planning our school's future development and direction.

  • We have high expectations of what our pupils can achieve.

  • We listen to our teaching staff and support them in all areas of teaching and learning.

  • We encourage our pupils' spiritual, moral and social development.

  • We support our school in providing for all our pupils, irrespective of background, including those with special needs.

  • We are accountable for the performance of our school to parents and to the wider community.

  • We help our Senior Leadership Team make decisions on our school's budget.


How can we support continuous improvement at Brookside? 

  • We support and challenge by gathering views and asking questions.

  • We are prepared to give and take, being loyal to the decisions taking by the governing body as a whole.

  • We listen to our staff and learn from them through the committees we attend.

  • We analyse the school's data.

  • We visit our school and talk to our pupils.


Governor Documents

Updated: 03/05/2023 501 KB