Brookside Primary School

Vision Statement


Our vision is for Brookside Primary School to become a beacon of excellence in our community.  When parents think of Brookside, we want them to think of it as a place where their child becomes the best human being they can be as well as a place where they will receive an excellent education. A school which nurtures the compassionate citizens of the future which our society needs. A school where all children achieve and fulfil their potential. A school where reading, writing and mathematics are given the highest priority as keys to unlocking so much learning elsewhere, but where enjoyment of a wide and stimulating curriculum ignites the passions and possibilities of a lifetime of achievement and interests. In short, we want our children to be happy and successful in everything they do!


We teach our Core Values through the ‘Secrets of Success’ approach:

 CONFIDENCE - Try New Things

 DETERMINATION - Work Hard/Concentrate

 AMBITION - Push Yourself


 RESPECT - Understand Others

 RESILIENCE - Don't Give Up