A list of Numeracy websites that can help your children to learn at home.  They are all currently being offered for free.  


Click on the images to open the home learning resources.


Hamilton Trust

Reception – Year 6

Daily and Weekly downloadable resources for Numeracy




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Maths Mastery

Reception – Year 6

Downloadable resources packs for parents and children




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Reception – Year 6

A range of interactive and downloadable activities




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 Reception – Year 2

Numeracy videos for mathematical development




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Year 1 – Year 6

A range of interactive maths games categorised by year group




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White Rose Maths

Reception – Year 6

Presentations and workbooks which are easy to use for parents. 

New resources added each week.


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Oak National Academy

Reception – Year 6

Over 180 videos and lessons each week across a broad range of subject.