31 Jan

Year 3 measure

Does the tallest person have the longest jump?

Year 3 have been using cm and mm to measure themselves and their jumps

before converting them into equivalent lengths. .

15 Jan

Here comes Summer ... well almost!

I don't like cricket. I love it!!

It is Winter here. The women's ashes are taking place in Australia at present and we are getting in the cricket spirit too!

16 Dec

Reindeer run


Thanks to all the reindeers for raising money!

10 Dec

Year 3 Design and Technology

Year 3 have learned all about the power of air.

26 Nov

Year 3 science

In Science we have been examining

sedimentary rocks. Can the weight of a rock change?

26 Nov

The Stone Age 2

More images from our Stone Age trip to Norton Priory

12 Nov

year 3 maths

Year 3 are learning how to add using the column method.

12 Nov


Year 3 have been exploring the three classifications of rocks

sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous in science to coincide

with our theme of The stone Age.

12 Nov

Geography field trip

Last term we visited the brook of Brookside!

The brook has been here since before the oldest Ordnance survey maps existed.

It is now partially covered by housing estates as it flows to the Mersey.

11 Oct

Literacy Year 3

Year 3 took the creative writing process outside into our woods today.