22 May

Reader of the Week

Well done to all our very worthy winners of the Reader of the Week certificate.

9 May

Y2 - Reading for Pleasure

"My favourite non-fiction books are all about Space but I also like Diary of a Wimpy Kid because they're so funny!" says Krystian

24 Apr

Reader of the Week

Here are our very worthy winners of the Reader of the Week certificate.  Well done everyone!

6 Mar

Year 2 - My favourite book

Krystian has brought his favourite book into school today.  It's called Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Big Shot).  He has read a couple of pages to the children and explained his favourite part of the book.

"I chose this page because Greg (that's the main character) stood on one leg to fire a shot into…

3 Mar

World Book day - Year 4 and 2

Year 2 have enjoyed sharing their favourite books with year 4.

16 Feb

Reciprocal Readers

Here are Florence and Aryssa being guided in a Reciprocal Reading session with Katharine O'Neill, Head of English at Liverpool Hope University.

15 Feb

Reader of the Week 13.2.23

Congratulations to our very worthy winners of the Reader of the Week certificate.

24 Jan

Parent Workshop - Read, Write Inc.

Some of the Year 1 and 2 parents and carers attended an introductory meeting about how Read, Write Inc. works in our school.

10 Nov

The Sleeping Sword - Daisy Bennett Year 4

"This book is about young boy called Bun who soon turns blind and finds a sword in a tomb lying under his garden and is tempted to keep it.  He dreamed of returning the sword to King Arthur and the next day he could see again. 


I would recommend this book to children who like sad books,…