Library Visit

Image of Library Visit

The children had a fantastic time visiting Ellesmere Port Library - some children joined the library and others borrowed and returned books. 

English KS2

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Image of Digestion

Children in Year 4 have been using everyday items to explore the human digestive system. 



Science KS2

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Image of Animation

Children in Year 4 have been using the technique of 'onion' skinning to create their own mini animations.  



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Flexible Partitioning

Image of Flexible Partitioning

Children in Year 4 have been using place value counters to explore flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000.  

Math KS2

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Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Image of Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Children in Year 4 have been recalling and revising Year 3 Place Value knowledge and skills before heading into Year 4 Maths.

Math KS2

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Y4: Predictions, Predictions, Predictions

Image of Y4: Predictions, Predictions, Predictions

Year 4 have been using illustrations from our new 'Pathways to Read' book to predict what type of text it could be.

Children were asked to discuss who the characters might be, where the story might be set and possible story plot ideas.  

A super speaking and listening…

English KS2

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'The Worshipful The Mayor of Ellesmere Port' visits Year 4

Image of 'The Worshipful The Mayor of Ellesmere Port' visits Year 4

Yesterday, the children in Year 4 had a visit from The Mayor, Cllr Paul Donavan. 

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Independent Research

Image of Independent Research

Children in Year 4 have been independently using websites to gain facts about stalactites and stalagmites.  The children will use these facts next week to write explanations and fact files in Literacy.  

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Pavilions - Cladding

Image of Pavilions - Cladding

Children in Year 4 have been exploring different types of cladding to decorate, strengthen and/or improve the appearance of their frame structures. 


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Building Vocabulary

Image of Building Vocabulary

Children in Year 4 have been working hard to develop their knowledge and understanding of technical vocabulary. 

The children used dictionaries to define the word, before placing the words into alphabetical order to create a glossary. 

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Angles & Triangles

Image of Angles & Triangles

Year 4 have been consolidating their angles and triangle knowledge with lollipops sticks. 

Well Done Year 4! 

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Rainforest Inspired Art

Image of Rainforest Inspired Art

Children have been inspired by the work of William Morris to design and create a rainforest print.

The children learnt how to batik fabric.  

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