One Is A Snail

Image of One Is A Snail

The Nursery children have been reading 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' and discussing how many feet different creatures have.

 They then made footprints with paint, counting the footprints as they walked.

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Y2 - Maths

Image of Y2 - Maths

We have been revisiting addition and subtraction problem solving using our knowledge of number bonds to 100.

Knowledge: use number bonds to 100 

Skills: use the inverse to check my calculations

Vocab: inverse, number bonds


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Independent Research

Image of Independent Research

Children in Year 4 have been independently using websites to gain facts about stalactites and stalagmites.  The children will use these facts next week to write explanations and fact files in Literacy.  

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Pavilions - Cladding

Image of Pavilions - Cladding

Children in Year 4 have been exploring different types of cladding to decorate, strengthen and/or improve the appearance of their frame structures. 


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Building Vocabulary

Image of Building Vocabulary

Children in Year 4 have been working hard to develop their knowledge and understanding of technical vocabulary. 

The children used dictionaries to define the word, before placing the words into alphabetical order to create a glossary. 

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Year 3 History

Image of Year 3 History

Year 3 have enjoyed learning all about mummification in our Ancient Egypt topic, 'Who's the Mummy?'

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Y2 -Science

Image of Y2 -Science

In Science, we have been exploring the suitability of materials.  This experiment involved testing the strength of paper and cardboard.


Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard…

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Y2 - Geography

We are using maps to locate the Jurassic coast


Locate coasts in the UK


Identify physical features of a coast

Vocab: coast, coastline, arch, stack, shoreline, beach

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Y2 - Position and Direction

Image of Y2 - Position and Direction

We have been learning all about |Position and Direction in maths using the Beebot

Knowledge: to recognise full turns, half turns and quarter turns.

Skills: to use the language of ":forwards, backwards, left and right"

Vocab: as above

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Angles & Triangles

Image of Angles & Triangles

Year 4 have been consolidating their angles and triangle knowledge with lollipops sticks. 

Well Done Year 4! 

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Year 3 Assembly

Image of Year 3 Assembly

Flashback to a great Y3 Class Assembly for parents and for the whole school. Well done!  

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Nursery's Shape Hunt

Image of Nursery's Shape Hunt

The Nursery children went on a shape hunt around the classroom, and then sorted the shapes. We then talked about how many sides and corners each shape has, and sang some shape songs.

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