The Edible Cosmos: Year 5’s Oreo Moon Phases
In the quest to understand the celestial dance of our moon, Year 5 students have embarked on a deliciously educational journey. With a pack of Oreo cookies and a splash of creativity, they’ve transformed the classroom into a confectionery cosmos, illustrating the moon’s cyclical phases in a way that’s both engaging and tasty.
The project began with a simple question: How can we visualize the moon’s phases tangibly and interactively? The answer was found in the cream-filled layers of Oreo cookies. Each cookie represents the full moon, and by carefully removing portions of the cream, students recreated each phase, from the slender crescent to the shadowy new moon.
Year 5 and phases of the moon
The culmination of their efforts is a poster that showcases the eight primary phases of the moon. Each phase is represented by an Oreo, arranged in order, and labelled with its name.