Learning & Behaviour Superstars
In our Friday assembly, we celebrate our Superstars! In each class, a Behaviour Superstar and a Learning Superstar receive a certificate from our Headteacher, Mr Orme. We are very proud of all of our children who make everyday special just by being them.
Pitch Perfect: Year 5's Throwing Triumphs!
Today, Year 5 had an exciting cricket practice session focused on improving their throwing techniques. The students were full of energy and enthusiasm as they took to the field. Under the guidance of their professional cricket coach, they practised various drills designed to enhance their accuracy…

Brookside Enrichment Club
Our new Brookside Enrichment club has been a success!
Mrs McLean and Mrs Austin provided a wide range of activities tailored around the interests of the children who took part. We are pleased that the feedback from the children is very positive. We are looking forward to welcoming a new group…

Year 5 Online Safety
In Year 5 this afternoon, we looked at how we should cite websites in our work.
We learned about plagiarism, sources, and bibliographies. We learned why it's important to cite where we have got our information from and when.
Well done Year 5!
Year 5 Safety Central
Year 5’s Visit to Safety Central
Year 5 had an exciting and educational trip to Safety Central, where they learned all about identifying potential dangers in everyday life and how to stay safe. The students explored interactive exhibits that highlighted hazards in the home, on the roads, and in…
Year 5 Coding
This afternoon, Year 5 explored the world of coding where they had to program a car to move at different speeds after pressing go.
We did come across bugs which meant we had to debug it.
Well done Year 5!
Year 5 and Everyday Art
In art today, Year 5 turned everyday classroom objects into pieces of installation art.
Well done Year 5!
Year 5 History - Organising Tudor Monarchs
This afternoon, Year 5 explored the monarchs of the Tudor period in greater depth. We organised the monarchs in the order of their reigns and then researched their birth and death dates, as well as the years they held the throne as King or Queen.
Year 5 Urenco Workshop
This morning, Year 5 had Sarah from URENCO visit us. Sarah gave the class a separating materials workshop.
Pupils took part in various activities. Pupils were comparing different substances and seeing how they themselves could separate materials using centrifugal force.
The class thoroughly…
Year 5's Art
Today, Year 5 had an exciting Art Day that was both educational and fun! The day began with a focus on observational drawing, where students were tasked with drawing a house. Using their keen eyes and attention to detail, they captured the essence of the structures in front of them, honing their…

Year 5 - Spam!
In Year 5, students learned about the importance of recognizing and avoiding online spam. They discovered that spam often includes unsolicited emails with too-good-to-be-true offers, which can be scams designed to steal personal information. To stay safe, students were taught to never click on…
Year 5 French - Days of the week
In French today, Year 5 were learning more about the days of the week. Tres Bien Year 5!