Science Year 3

Image of Science Year 3

We have been learning all about our skeleton and that of other animals. We have been observing over time how different substances can affect bones. 

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PSHE Year 3

Image of PSHE Year 3

In PSHE we have been learning all about our own super powers and what makes us unique.

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Internet safety Year 3 Lock and key

Image of Internet safety Year 3 Lock and key

Year 3 learned how important it is to be a security guard and have good locks so that no one can steal your information online.

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Archaeology and the Stone Age

Image of Archaeology and the Stone Age

Year 3 had a wonderful day at Norton Priory learning how archaeologists find out about the past.

We also learnt some Stone Age skills such as how to make fire and cook woolly mammoths (or marshmallows in our case) around an open fire. 

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Reader of the week

Image of Reader of the week
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Year 3 Music

Image of Year 3 Music

Year 3 have been using pentatonic scales to compose melodies.

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Year 3 R.E.

Image of Year 3 R.E.

Year 3 have been learning all about The Bible.

The Bible is made up of 73 books and is written by many different  authors.

It is a history book, law book and includes poetry and stories as well.

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You scratch my back I'll scratch yours

Image of You scratch my back I'll scratch yours

In ICT we have been using Scratch to create a computer game with a Stone Age theme.

Now where did I leave that mammoth I was going to have for tea?

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The Stone Age

Image of The Stone Age

In literacy we have been weighing up the pros and cons of living in The Stone Age.

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The Great Brookside Bake Off: Part One

Image of The Great Brookside Bake Off: Part One

In Design and Technology we have been learning that food tastes best in season.

What could be better than an Autumnal Apple Crumble?


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Reader of the week w.b. 16.1.23

Image of Reader of the week w.b. 16.1.23

Congratulations to our Readers of the Week.

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Image of Division

One for you. One for me. Year 3 learn to share in maths. 

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