Year 3 Music

Image of Year 3 Music

Year 3 have been using pentatonic scales to compose melodies.

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Year 3 R.E.

Image of Year 3 R.E.

Year 3 have been learning all about The Bible.

The Bible is made up of 73 books and is written by many different  authors.

It is a history book, law book and includes poetry and stories as well.

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You scratch my back I'll scratch yours

Image of You scratch my back I'll scratch yours

In ICT we have been using Scratch to create a computer game with a Stone Age theme.

Now where did I leave that mammoth I was going to have for tea?

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The Stone Age

Image of The Stone Age

In literacy we have been weighing up the pros and cons of living in The Stone Age.

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The Great Brookside Bake Off: Part One

Image of The Great Brookside Bake Off: Part One

In Design and Technology we have been learning that food tastes best in season.

What could be better than an Autumnal Apple Crumble?


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Reader of the week w.b. 16.1.23

Image of Reader of the week w.b. 16.1.23

Congratulations to our Readers of the Week.

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Image of Division

One for you. One for me. Year 3 learn to share in maths. 

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Image of P.E.

Year 3 discuss the art of winning and how tactics play a huge part of this. 

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Image of Stonehenge

Whilst studying about the Stone Age, Year 3 have being looking for clues as to what the period's most famous monument, Stonehenge, may have been used for.

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Whole School Vocabulary Focus

Each class has been promoting and developing our pupils' knowledge and understanding of new vocabulary.  In Literacy, pupils have explored tier 1, 2 and 3 words linked to their topic, Read, Write Inc. or Pathways to Write.  In other subject areas such as Geography and IT, pupils are investigating…

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Our Learning Boards

Image of Our Learning Boards

In another small step forward in improving our school (perhaps more of a tweak really), today we introduced our mobile ‘Learning Boards’ for every class from Year 1 to Year 6.  These will help our teachers make it really clear what new knowledge, skills and vocab we intend to learn or practise in…

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Image of Time

Year 3 begin their journey back in time to the Stone Age!

We went into our school hall to read our amazing history timeline which we have on display.

I wonder what your ancestors were doing 8,000 years ago?

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