Year 3 science
The test tubes are out and the experiments have begun.
Is there really as much vitamin C in drinks as manufactures claim?
Year 3 investigate how to make a fair test to find out.
We have more pyramids than Egypt!
Year 3 explore properties of 3 d shapes.
Year 3 History
Year 3 have enjoyed learning all about mummification in our Ancient Egypt topic, 'Who's the Mummy?'
Year 3 Assembly
Flashback to a great Y3 Class Assembly for parents and for the whole school. Well done!
Evening at Ellesmere Port Civic Hall
Well done to the Year 3 pupils and friends who performed so fantastically at the Civic Hall as the new Mayor Of Ellesmere Port took office. We were very honoured to be present at the ceremony as our Chair of Governors, Councillor Donovan, was sworn in as the new Mayor. You were all fantastic in…
Year 3 Geography
Year 3 undertook some field work in Chester last week to understand how the river is used in the middle part of its journey towards the sea.
Year 3 Science
Year 3 have been learning about light and dark. We have been discovering how the length of an object's shadow is affected by the position of the light source.
Year 3 online safety
Year 3 have been learning all about communities, in particular online communities.
We have thought about the positives and negatives that such communities provide.
Editing photos
Year 3 have been learning to edit photos on the computer. We started by taking photos of our orienteering course before editing the pictures with a variety of tools.
Finding fractions
Year 3 have been working practically to find out 2/3, 3/4, 5/8
Safety Seymour
Year 3 received a visit from Safety Seymour, a superhero bear from outer space on a mission to teach children and their families about carbon monoxide (CO) and how to protect ourselves, making homes safer.
Carbon monoxide can be very dangerous and can make you very ill. You can’t see it, hear…
Romans sin sin dex sin
We have been writing all about the Romans today. Wow! Didn't they invent a lot things?