Mad Science

Image of Mad Science

Year 3 enjoyed the Mad Science assembly this morning

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Let It Snow

Image of Let It Snow

Year 3 had a little break from their regular literacy lessons today.

We read the snowy poem 'Footprints' by Shirley Hughes

and were then inspired to create our own snowy poetry

based on this morning's experience.

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Music on the Waves!

Image of Music on the Waves!

Year 3 have been learning all about rhythm in music and where better to learn about rhythm than on their Viking long ship?

I'm not sure Steve Redgrave practised this way, but we had a great time singing our way across the North Sea!

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Y3 RE: The Bible

Image of Y3 RE: The Bible

Year 3 are learning about the Bible in R.E. this term. Today we have been finding out all about what a sacred text is.

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Y3 PE: Tactics

Image of Y3 PE: Tactics

Year 3 are learning about the use of tactics in sport. 

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Y3 Geography: longitude and latitude

Image of Y3 Geography: longitude and latitude

Year 3 have started learning about longitude and latitude, Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn and the Equator in Geography.

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DT in Year 3

Image of DT in Year 3

Year 3 have been learning all about pneumatics and how compressed air can move large objects in the real world, but for now opening a fabulous dragon mouth will suffice.

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Buy me - Online safety and the power of advertising

Image of Buy me - Online safety and the power of advertising

Year 3  have been learning about how even children are subject to the powers of advertisers.

Why do they use such bright colours and key words?

How do they know to target you with certain products?

We had a big discussion about the pros and cons of advertising.

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Year 3 Science

Image of Year 3 Science

Year 3 have been learning about Rocks this half term.

As part of that we have learned how fossils are formed

and how soil is made.

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Year 3 Computing

Image of Year 3 Computing

Year 3 have been learning how coding is used to create computer games.

We have been learning about conditional statements, eg: 

If my caveman touches the axe it will disappear. 

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Rudolph the Red Nose ....

Image of Rudolph the Red Nose ....

Thanks to all those who got on their antlers and raise money.

I'm sure Santa Claus knows who to call if he has trouble now

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Art and Design

Image of Art and Design

Year 3 learned the art of frottage today!

Have a look at some of our results.

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