Year 5 Explores the Mojave: Creating Our Interactive Padlet


In an exciting cross-curricular project, Year 5 embarked on a journey to explore the Mojave Desert. Inspired by this unique and rugged landscape, they collaborated to create an interactive Padlet that captures their discoveries and insights. Let’s delve into their adventure!

The Mojave Desert: A Harsh Beauty

The Mojave Desert, located in the southwestern United States, is a place of stark contrasts. Its vast expanses of arid land are punctuated by rugged mountains, Joshua trees, and unique flora and fauna. Our Year 5 students were captivated by its beauty and intrigued by its challenges.


To kick off the project, students dived into research. They explored various aspects of the Mojave, such as:

  1. Climate: Understanding the extreme temperatures, scarce rainfall, and intense sunlight that characterize the desert.
  2. Location: Investigating the geographical features, including its position relative to neighboring states and landmarks.
  3. Settlements: Learning about the sparse human settlements, such as small towns and Native American communities.

Through this project, Year 5 not only learned about the Mojave but also honed their collaboration, research, and digital skills. They discovered that even in challenging environments, life adapts and thrives.

Checkout our amazing work here-