10 Feb

Y6 Computing

Here is a slection of our fabulous posters we have created in our computing lesson this week. We have been inspired by our recent visit to Port Sunlight to create a poster to advertise the delights and experiences it has to offer! Well done!

3 Feb

Y6 Port Sunlight

A great trip to Port Sunlight last week for Y6.


An inspiring day out learning about the 'census' and how life has changed through the years in the village. We even looked at a census from someone who was on board the Titanic when it sank (a stewardess from Port Sunlight).

Well done Y6 -…

16 Jan

Y6 Science Workshop

Excellent workshop today Y6!

We were joined by an 'Energy' expert from Evolution. They spoke about different forms of energy (renewable, non-renewable and sustainable). We also studied the science behind electric cars before making our very own cars to race on a track!


An excellent…

19 Dec

Y6 Online Safety

Y6 Online Safety.


Today's lesson was focussed on 'trust' online. We have helped the children with great tips as to how to know if we can trust the reliability of a website.

eg look out for the 'padlock' symbol. Also, the 's' on 'https' stands for 'secure'. If the website starts with…

18 Dec

Y6 Waistcoats

In Design and Technology, we have been designing, assembling and decorating waistcoats.

We have used 'running stitches' and, in some cases, 'back stitches' to join the material at the seams.

We loved doing a fashion show and modelling our final products. I'm sure you all agree - they are…

2 Dec


What a lovely festive afternoon! The Y6 children supported our lovely Reception class make some festive calendars and cards. 

They will be sitting together to enjoy the pantomime on Thursday! 

"Oh yes they will!"


26 Nov

Big Maths Y6

Well done Y6!


We went to Whitby High School and worked with Year 9 pupils to solve some 'BIG MATHS CHALLENGES'!

Excellent behaviour and we set some great impressions on the Whitby staff!

Well done everyone!





11 Nov

Y6 Music

Today - Y6 got into 'composing crews' to perform some percussion rhythms.

We developed an understanding of the Kodaly music method.


8 Nov


Building circuits with Y6!

The Year 6 children were challenged to build 'complete circuits' to light up bulbs and to sound buzzers when we turned the switch on.

We then considered how the brightness of the bulb would be effected by making different changes to the circuit.

Well done…

14 Oct

Y6 Church visit

Well done Y6 - we had a very exciting and informative visit to St John's the Evangelist Church today.


Father Antony explained the layout of the church and meanings behind Christian symbols.



7 Oct

Y6 Residential - Anglesey

Well done to the Y6 Class last week for a truly memorable residential experience!

12 Sep

Y6 Science

Well done Y6. This week in science we have been looking at:

  • the effects of overeating on the body​
  • the food groups that should not make up a large part of our diet
  • the food groups we need to eat to maintain our health

Lots of 'food for thought'!