Coding - Variables

Image of Coding - Variables

This half term in Year 4, we've been looking at variables within our computing lessons. 

What is a variable? In programming, a variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program. 

We've been creating apps where when our character hits an…

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Y5 E-Safety - Strong Passwords

Image of Y5 E-Safety - Strong Passwords

Today in Year 5, we looked at why it's essential to have strong passwords for our online accounts.

We were shown the most common passwords people use, why people should not use a password that is easy to guess, and the possible consequences of someone guessing these passwords.

We then had to…

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Year 5 Collaborative Task - Iceland

Image of Year 5 Collaborative Task - Iceland

In Geography, Year 5 has been looking at the physical geography of Iceland.

They have been looking at what makes Iceland such a beautiful country, from its scenic fjords to its incredible geysers.

We've created tourist information brochures to attract potential tourists to the country,…

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Year 5 - The Dark Ages - Norton Priory Visit

Image of Year 5 - The Dark Ages - Norton Priory Visit

Year 5 had a great day visiting Norton Priory and growing their knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons.

The class had the opportunity to be archaeologists excavating to find ancient remains from the area, trying to work out what they were and used for. They then had the chance to work out what the names…

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Year 5 Literacy - Arthur and The Golden Rope

Image of Year 5 Literacy - Arthur and The Golden Rope

This half term, year 5 have been basing their literacy work around the story of 'Arthur and The Golden Rope'.

A summary of this amazing tale - Arthur decides to make the journey to the great hall and help Thor catch the wicked Fenrir. There, he is set the almost impossible task of sourcing…

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Year 5 - Fun with Fractions

Image of Year 5 - Fun with Fractions

To support some of our Y5 today, a FRACTION of the class was having a WHOLE lot of fun with fractions!

Pupils were able to use their fractions knowledge in various ways, such as cutting a Wagon Wheel in HALF and QUARTERS and splitting oranges into eighths to bring segments back together to make…

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Year 5 Storyboarding

Image of Year 5 Storyboarding

In our literacy lessons, Year 5 have been channelling their inner directors and working together to create a storyboard for a scene from 'Arthur and The Golden Rope'.

We had to plan out how the scene would be shot if we were the director, we had to take into consideration how we would capture a…

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Year 5 Science - Irreversible Changes

Image of Year 5 Science - Irreversible Changes

In science today, year 5 explored what irreversible change would happen when an acid (vinegar) and alkali (bicarbonate of soda) were mixed together.


We had a method to follow, we were asked what caused the bag would inflate, and what would happen if we changed the size of the bag.


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Year 5 Science - Changing Materials

Image of Year 5 Science - Changing Materials

Today in Science we explored the fire triangle and the 3 components of what's needed to create a fire. Year 5 learnt that as soon as you remove a component of that triangle, the fire will extinguish.

We also did an experiment to see how long a flame would burn in different-sized glasses. We…

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Year 5 Design and Technology - Pop Up Book

Image of Year 5 Design and Technology - Pop Up Book

This afternoon, Year 5 have been exploring the mechanics of a pop-up book, by creating their own version.

We researched and developed design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular younger children.



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Year 5 Growing our fraction knowledge with the help of Numicon.

Image of Year 5 Growing our fraction knowledge with the help of Numicon.

This morning in Year 5, we have been ordering fractions with mixed numerators and denominators. To help us with our converting we made use of numicon.

We also used our knowledge of multiples, which we learnt last term, to help us with our learning.

Fantastic fraction work year…

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Year 5 Music ‘Shosholoza’.

Image of Year 5 Music ‘Shosholoza’.

In Music, Year 5 have been looking at South African music. We've been singing a capella and playing instruments along to the song ‘Shosholoza’, which is a song from those who speak Xhosa.

We've learnt that songs sung in other languages can contain sounds that are unfamiliar to us, like the…

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