Y2 - Writing (noun phrases)
Year 2 are learning how to use noun phrases to describe a dragon's bird's eye view of the world below from the story "The Dragon Machine".
Knowledge: to know that an adjective is a describing word and a noun is the name of a person, place or object
Skills: to use noun phrases in our…
Y2 - Computing
Year 2 are learning to debug a Bee bot programme in a pretend toy shop!
Knowledge:: I can debug programs of increasing complexity
Skills: to use the commands of "forwards, backwards, left and right" to enable the Bee bot to move and to "debug" an incorrect action
Vocab: forwards,…
Y2 - trip to the Lady Lever Art Gallery
Year 2 visited the Lady Lever Art Gallery and explored both landscape and portrait painting by famous artists such as John Constable and Edward Coley Burne-Jones
Knowledge: I can talk about art I have seen using some appropriate subject vocabulary.
Skills: I can tell the difference between a…
Y2 - Art and Design
Year 2 are learning about painting and mixed media. They have been "texture detectives", exploring the outdoors for suitable materials to use.
Knowledge: to know how texture can be made with paint.
Skills: to describe colours and textures
Vocab: texture, colour
Y2 - Computing
Year 2 have been programming a Beebot in order to travel around the world as aviators!
Knowledge: to program a programmable toy
Skills: to use the directional buttons to move the Beebot
Vocab: forwards, backwards, left, right, clear
Y2 - Rights and Responsibilites
Behaviour focus - each week, all classes consider what their rights and responsibilities are. In Y2, we have discussed as a whole class our Class Behaviour Agreement and how rules can help them learn, stay safe and respect others.
Knowledge: I know that some rules are made to be followed by…
Y2 - R.E
Year 2 have been finding out about the similarities and differences between Shabbat and Hanukkah celebrations.
Knowledge: I can describe how Shabbat (day of rest) is important to a Jew and how Jews may go to Synagogue during this period.
Skills: I can discuss some of the events from each…
Y2 - Online Safety
Year 2 have been learning about Online Safety and how to access the internet safely using key words. They have accessed the internet using Google to find information about Tenerife.
Knowledge: to use keywords in an online search to find key information about a topic.
Skills: to work…
Y2 - R.E
Year 2 enjoyed exploring the Nativity story at Hope Farm Church last week.
Knowledge: to understand its importance to Christians at Christmas time.
Skills: through the characters' perspectives, to say why the birth of Jesus was so important for Christians
Vocab: Nativity, Magi, Gold,…
Y2 - Science
Year 2 were investigating material strength and how an egg shell's shape can be good for building structures.
Knowledge: Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular…
Year 2 have been exploring the concept of secrets and surprises.
Knowledge: to discuss the difference between a secret and a surprise
Skills: to identify different feelings when I know a secret and have a surprise
Vocab: excited, surprised, disgusted