Y2 - Partitioning

Image of Y2 - Partitioning

Year 2 have been learning to partition 2 digit numbers into different combinations this week.

Knowledge: Partition any 2 digit number into tens and ones to demonstrate an understanding of place value

Skills; use Base 10 equipment to support me in splitting the tens from the ones


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Flexible Partitioning

Image of Flexible Partitioning

Children in Year 4 have been using place value counters to explore flexible partitioning of numbers to 10,000.  

Math KS2

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Y5 - Expanding numbers

Image of Y5 - Expanding numbers

This morning, we've been working hard on expanded number forms. Well done Year 5!

Math KS2

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Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Image of Year 4: Partitioning 3 digit numbers

Children in Year 4 have been recalling and revising Year 3 Place Value knowledge and skills before heading into Year 4 Maths.

Math KS2

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