One Is A Snail

Image of One Is A Snail

The Nursery children have been reading 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' and discussing how many feet different creatures have.

 They then made footprints with paint, counting the footprints as they walked.

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Independent Research

Image of Independent Research

Children in Year 4 have been independently using websites to gain facts about stalactites and stalagmites.  The children will use these facts next week to write explanations and fact files in Literacy.  

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Building Vocabulary

Image of Building Vocabulary

Children in Year 4 have been working hard to develop their knowledge and understanding of technical vocabulary. 

The children used dictionaries to define the word, before placing the words into alphabetical order to create a glossary. 

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Haiku Poems

Image of Haiku Poems

This week, children in Year 4 have been exploring and writing their own Haiku poems about Nature and the Seasons.

Haiku poems have a unique syllable structure (5-7-5) over 3 lines. 


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Year 5 and The Paperbag Prince

Image of Year 5 and The Paperbag Prince


This half term in our literacy sessions Year 5 has been reading "The Paperbag Prince".

In the enchanting world of children's literature, Colin Thompson's "The Paper Bag Prince" stands out as a powerful tribute to the rejuvenating force of nature. The story revolves around an unlikely…

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Year 5 debating - Should we use plastic?

Image of Year 5 debating - Should we use plastic?

In our Year 5 class this morning, students engaged in a spirited debate on plastic use after learning about ocean pollution from videos such as Blue Planet II.

They ranked everyday plastic items by necessity and discussed the material's pros and cons.

The debate highlighted the urgent…

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Romans sin sin dex sin

Image of Romans sin sin dex sin

We have been writing all about the Romans today. Wow! Didn't they invent a lot things?

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Big Blue Whale

Image of Big Blue Whale

Year 3 have been using the story by Michael Morpurgo 'This morning I Met a Whale'.

Today we created our own leaflets detailing what amazing creatures whales are and

how important it is we think about protecting their habitat.

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Year 5 and The Darkest Dark

Image of Year 5 and The Darkest Dark

In our literacy sessions this half term, Year 5 have been reading the story ‘The Darkest Dark’ written by Chris Hadfield (former astronaut). 

We’ve learnt how, as a young boy, Chris was afraid of the dark but after watching the moon landings (1969) he conquered his fear of the dark and set…

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Year 1 World Book Day

Image of Year 1 World Book Day

We have dressed up as book characters and brought in our favourite books. We buddied up with Year 5 children to share our books with each other. 

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Year 5 - Bringing our characters to life

Image of Year 5 - Bringing our characters to life


Today in Year 5, we used the power of AI drawing to create images for our main characters from the stories we've created in our literacy sessions.
Pupils used a special program that used artificial intelligence (AI) to generate images based on their descriptions.

The results were amazing!…

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Y6 Literacy

Image of Y6 Literacy

We are super proud of our Y6 story writers this week. We have written our own stories with a moral message. We then created illustrations and animations of our stories. Our results were FANTASTIC!

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