18 Nov

Nursery Anti-Bullying Week Activity

Last week was Anti-Bullying Week and the theme was 'Choose Respect'

The Nursery children talked about respecting each other, staff, possessions, and themselves.

They created a class collage using different skin tone colours, which we have displayed in our classroom.

27 Mar

Assembly: Ramadan

In Assembly with Mr Orme this morning, we paused to reflect on Ramadan, considered to be one of the holiest months of the year in the religion of Islam.  Followers of Islam are called Muslims.  Muslims believe that there is one true god called Allah.  Ramadan is in the ninth month of the Islamic…

6 Mar

Assembly: International Women's Day

In Assembly this morning, Mr Orme shared with the children ideas around International Women’s Day, held each year on March 8th.  International Women’s Day celebrates the many amazing things done by women. It is a day to think about how women have influenced the world.  Everyone – girls and boys –…

27 Feb

Assembly: Finding out about Fairtrade

In Assembly this morning, Mr Orme talked with the children about Fairtrade Fortnight.  We started by thinking about what fairness means to us in our everyday lives.  Then we found out about some of the people who grow food in other countries around the world for us to eat here at home in the…

13 Feb

Assembly: Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal

In Assembly this morning, Mr Orme talked about our our school's commitment to community.  We are all members of a school community and a local and national community.  But we are also global citizens who care about the plight of human beings around the world.  The terrible earthquake affecting…

6 Feb

Assembly: Children's Mental Health Week


In Assembly with Mr Orme this morning, we focused on our children's mental health.  At Brookside, children are given time to talk about and celebrate their differences. It is an opportunity to support others and to help everyone feel good about themselves. 

The theme of ‘Let’s…

1 Feb


PC Johnson generously gave Y6 her time this afternoon to talk about KIND WORDS.

We covered lots of topics including 'hate crime' and 'protected characteristics'.

We even took our fingerprints!


Thank you PC Johnson!


17 Jan

The Way Back Home

As part of our work on 'No Outsiders', children in Year 4 have been discussing how people speak different languages and how sometimes this can be a barrier.  Children explored how we can overcome this barrier! 

Neave: 'We can just smile - it makes people feel happy and welcome'

Connor:  'We…

16 Jan

I Have A Dream

At Brookside, we believe in treating everyone equally and respectfully.  In Assembly today, we reflected on the words and inspiration of Martin Luther King Jr who was a civil rights activist in the 1950s and 1960s. He led non-violent protests to fight for the rights of all people including African…

4 Jan

Year 3 Celebrating our differences

Year 3 got the New Year off to a good start by 

celebrating our differences.

In the book New Jumper we learned about welcoming 

difference and how that helps us grow as individuals 

as well. 

19 Oct


Year 3 have been learning about discrimination and how important it is to be inclusive.

No one should be left out just for being themselves.

We have drawn posters to encourage inclusiveness.

All are welcome.