Year 5 - The Dark Ages - Norton Priory Visit

Image of Year 5 - The Dark Ages - Norton Priory Visit

Year 5 had a great day visiting Norton Priory and growing their knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons.

The class had the opportunity to be archaeologists excavating to find ancient remains from the area, trying to work out what they were and used for. They then had the chance to work out what the names…

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Archaeology and the Stone Age

Image of Archaeology and the Stone Age

Year 3 had a wonderful day at Norton Priory learning how archaeologists find out about the past.

We also learnt some Stone Age skills such as how to make fire and cook woolly mammoths (or marshmallows in our case) around an open fire. 

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Y2 - Mental Health Week

Image of Y2 - Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week w.b. 6.2.23

Year 2 have been discussing Mental Health and with what is happening in their daily lives. They understand that mental health is all about how they are feeling, the thoughts they are having, how this affects the choices they make and how they behave. They have…

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Mental Health Week

Image of Mental Health Week

Today we discussed physical and mental health and how important it was to look after both. The children came up with lots of ideas to make their brains happy and healthy including; eating healthy foods, having a good night sleep, talking about how we are feeling, going outside for fresh air and…

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Assembly: Children's Mental Health Week

Image of Assembly: Children's Mental Health Week


In Assembly with Mr Orme this morning, we focused on our children's mental health.  At Brookside, children are given time to talk about and celebrate their differences. It is an opportunity to support others and to help everyone feel good about themselves. 

The theme of ‘Let’s…

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Image of Y6 KIND WORDS

PC Johnson generously gave Y6 her time this afternoon to talk about KIND WORDS.

We covered lots of topics including 'hate crime' and 'protected characteristics'.

We even took our fingerprints!


Thank you PC Johnson!


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Roman Chester with Year 4

Image of Roman Chester with Year 4

A super learning day for all the children in Year 4!

The children have become Roman Solider apprentices learning how to march and attack and defend in battle; they have looked at sources and artefacts to look for clues about the past and explored why the Romans invaded Britain and built the…

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Crossing the River

Image of Crossing the River

Children in Year 4 have been thinking about what makes an effective team, with a focus on communication, cooperation and responsibility.  The children were challenged to cross the river, without touching the floor, using only a mat and a bench.  


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Y6 Maths Quiz at Whitby High School

Image of Y6 Maths Quiz at Whitby High School

Well done Y6!

Four fine young ambassadors from Y6 represented our school impeccably at a competitive maths quiz this week. They finished a very respectable 4th against tough competition and we are very proud of them!

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Assembly: Chinese New Year

Image of Assembly: Chinese New Year

This morning's assembly took on a global theme: Chinese New Year.  We found out about the meaning behind the Year of the Rabbit.  Thank you to Jansen and Julia from Y2 for sharing your beautiful and treasured possessions from home with us.  Kung Hei Fat…

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Art club

Image of Art club

We finished our Clarice Cliff pottery in art club. We will continue club in the Spring term. 

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Year 1 Zoo trip

Image of Year 1 Zoo trip

Year 1 really enjoyed their visit to Chester Zoo. We have been learning about Antarctica and studying facts about penguins.

It was a very cold and snowy day at the zoo. The children and staff felt like we were actually in Antarctica! 

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