Designing and making a new chair for baby bear.
2 December 2021
In Year 1 we designed and made a new chair for baby bear as Goldilocks had broken his!
These are the finished chairs for baby bear. We tested out how strong they were.
2 December 2021
In Year 1 we looked at the old Brookside School and compared it with our new school.
Portraits in a sketchbook
2 December 2021
In Year 1 we have been exploring portraits through drawing and painting.
We compared our work to other artists such as Modigliani.
2 December 2021
Year 1 have been creating portraits using drawing, painting and collage skills.
The children gave themselves a hat for the season in which they were born.
Bee Bots
2 December 2021
In Year 1 we explored programming bee bots, giving directions to make them move around the map.