Year 2 Maths

Image of Year 2 Maths

Year 2 have been exploring different equipment to find 2 digit numbers.

Knowledge: recognise the place value of each digit in a 2 digit number

Skills: to use resources successfully to support me

Vocab: place value, tens and ones

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Y2 - PE

Image of Y2 - PE

Year 2 have been focusing on team building this term and have been using a range of strategies to problem solve in their activities.

Knowledge: to solve a number of problems in our team building activities.

Skills: to use the strategies of communication, empathy, inclusion and co-operation…

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Y2 - Design and Technology

Image of Y2 - Design and Technology

Year 2 are constructing their own Ferris Wheels.

Knowledge: Design and create a functional Ferris wheel, learn how different components fit together so that the wheel rotates and the structure stands freely.

Skills: Selecting appropriate materials based on their properties; Selecting…

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Y2 - Science

Image of Y2 - Science

Year 2 have been investigating how we can make plastic from milk and vinegar!

Knowledge: to identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses


Skills:  to explain why the…

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Year 2 - RE

Image of Year 2 - RE

Year 2 visited St John's the Evangelist church today and met the Reverend Dutton who explained why Jesus and the parables he told are so important to Christians.

Knowledge: to retell some of the parables of Jesus

Skills: to say why Jesus' stories were important to his followers


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Y2 - Music workshop

Image of Y2 - Music workshop

Year 2 had a lovely session learning all about how to keep a beat, play in tune and rehearse a simple song orally.

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Image of Y2 - PSHE

Year 2 have been learning about where money comes from, what we use it for and why do we use banks and building societies.

Knowledge:  To begin to understand the difference between wants and needs


Skills: To explain the difference between a "want" and a "need".


Vocab: want,.…

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Y2 - Computing

Year 2 have been accessing a saved photograph of Queen Elizabeth or Queen Victoria to resize and add a caption into a word document.  They also demonstrated their keyboard skills, using caps locks in a caption.

Knowledge: I can COPY and PASTE images and text; I can use caps lock for a capital…

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Y2 - Online Safety

Image of Y2 - Online Safety

Year 2 have been exploring the importance of how to be kind when using the internet.

Knowledge: I can explain the ways to stay safe online.

Skills: to understand that not all content I access is safe; to understand that if I see something that is inappropriate, I tell an adult.


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Y2 - Trip to Safety Central

Image of Y2 - Trip to Safety Central

Year 2 had a really informative day, learning all about home and road safety at Safety Central in Lymm.

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Y2 - Cricket

Image of Y2 - Cricket

Year 2 have been enjoying a series of cricket training sessions with Cheshire Cricket Club.


Knowledge: I know how to hit (strike) a ball (with a racket) with accuracy and power to beat an opponent.

Skills:  to use the flat of my bat to strike the ball.

Vocab: throwing, catching,…

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Y2 - Literacy

Image of Y2 - Literacy

Year 2 had lots of fun creating a conscience alley to decide whether or not the main character Little Red from the story of the Last Wolf should stay in the cottage with the Last Wolf, Bear and Lynx.


Knowledge:  to explore the characters' feelings, motives and emotions at a significant…

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