Y6 Music
In music this week, the children looked at the key words of 'texture', 'dynamics' and 'tempo'.
We learnt how to 'conduct' and then created our own 'rain music' - very creative!
Y6 Literacy
We are super proud of our Y6 story writers this week. We have written our own stories with a moral message. We then created illustrations and animations of our stories. Our results were FANTASTIC!
Wet Play
Rain does not stop play in Y6! Great to see traditional games being played at 'wet-break' in Y6 today.
Y6 Computing
In computing, Y6 made their own powerpoints all about the history and development of computer technology. We paid particular attention to the workings of the 'Enigma Machine' during World War 2.
We learnt to embed content, create animations and hyperlinks (both within and across…
Y6 Art
In Art this week, Y6 have been recreating their own 'photorealistic self-portraits'.
We focussed on observation and proportion in order to create art in a photorealistic style.
Y6 Maths Competition
Well done to our fabulous Year 6 mathematicians who represented themselves and our school impeccably well today at the local maths competition. Lots of puzzles and questions to navigate as a team - we are very proud of you!
Y6 Battle of Britain
Well done Y6 - Great World War 2 work!
We have been learning about World War 2 and specifically the Battle of Britain. In particular we:
identified the different phases of the battle and also compared the strengths of the Luftwaffe and the RAF. We even had time to play our version of the…
Y6 and Reception Christmas!
This week, the Y6 and Reception children have been meeting up regularly as 'buddies'. We have enjoyed lots of Christmas craft activities and had a really special time watching the festive Christmas pantomime with each other. Lots of fantastic 'role models' from Y6 - well done…
Bikeability Y6
Well done Y6 - you have all had a fantastic week of learning how to stay safe while riding your bikes on our busy roads. You learnt lots of new knowledge about road safety and also practised and enhanced your riding abilities.
The instructors were all very impressed with…
Y6 Waistcoats
Well done Y6.
We have had a great week designing, assembling, sewing and decorating our brilliant waistcoats!
Lots of new skills learnt and great teamwork.
We even had time for our own Y6 fashion show!