Y6 Science - Evolution, Adaptation and Inheritance

Image of Y6 Science - Evolution, Adaptation and Inheritance

We have had great fun this week in Year  6 learning about Evolution, Inheritance and Adaptation.

We have played games and simulated experiments in order to prove (or disprove) our own hypotheses and predictions.

We have played:

Camo-creature - a game which shows how animals have adapted…

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Image of Y6 PE

Another busy term of PE. 

Year 6 have been playing netball and rounders this half-term.

We were also tasked with 'coaching' and 'leading' our own games. 

Exciting news -  we will be getting expert cricket coaching after Easter!


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Image of Y6 PSHE

Well done Y6 - we have just completed our PSHE course on Safety and the Changing Body. Lots of maturity shown and some extremely important 'life lessons' discussed.


Our lessons included:

Lesson 1: Alcohol To begin to understand the risks of alcohol

Lesson 2: Critical digital…

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D&T: Y6 Playgrounds

Image of D&T: Y6 Playgrounds

Y6 were faced with a Design and Technology challenge: to design and make their very own playground!

They had to:

  • Create five apparatus designs, applying the design criteria to their work.
  • Make suitable changes to their work after peer evaluation.
  • Make roughly three different…
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Year 6 Design and Technology - Designing and building a playground

Image of Year 6 Design and Technology - Designing and building a playground
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Y6 Locational Geography

Image of Y6 Locational Geography

Y6 have been learning how to locate places of interest all over the World . . .precisely!


We have even plotted Charles Darwin's journey around the world including his famous island hopping adventure in the Galapagos! 



Longitude, Latitude, Tropics of Cancer, Tropic…

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World Book Day - Reception and Year 6

Image of World Book Day - Reception and Year 6

Well done Y6 for being such fine role models for our brilliant Reception class for today's World Book Day!


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Y6 Water Cycle Animations

Image of Y6 Water Cycle Animations

KNOWLEDGE: We created an animation that demonstrates the water cycle.

SKILLS: We used the internet to learn about the water cycle, navigating between and evaluating a range of websites.

VOCABULARY: Animation, Transition, Import background, copy frame

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Y6 Chatting Online - Personal Information

Image of Y6 Chatting Online - Personal Information

This week, Y6 have discussed what personal information we should or should not share online.

For example, is it okay to share our favourite hobby with people online? What about our home address or which school we go to?

Chatting online can be fun but we must ensure we keep ourselves…

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Y6 "Learning Log Geog Blogs . . . "

Image of Y6 "Learning Log Geog Blogs . . . "

Thank you so much Y6 for your special homework efforts to complete your geography inspired 'Learning Logs'  . . . .  All About Biomes!


Such variety and creativity!

I wanted to share them with you all!

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Image of Y6 KIND WORDS

PC Johnson generously gave Y6 her time this afternoon to talk about KIND WORDS.

We covered lots of topics including 'hate crime' and 'protected characteristics'.

We even took our fingerprints!


Thank you PC Johnson!


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Y6 RE - Sikhism

Image of Y6 RE - Sikhism


Learning about how Sikhs worship.

Learning why the Gurdwara is important to the Sikh community. 

Why do Sikhs have a Langar?

What is the Golden Temple like?



Langar, Guru Granth Sahib, Khanda, Gurdwara, equality, worship

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