
Image of Music

Today year 3 created their own lyrics for a song based on the idea of flight.

We brainstormed as many rhyming sounds as we could for key words and then linked them together to create our verse.

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Year 5 - The Blues

Image of Year 5 - The Blues

In this afternoon's music lesson, Year 5 delved into the Blues genre of music. We learnt where it originated from and talked about the genre's themes.

We then listened to Moanin' Lisa Blues - YouTube and discussed what was being sang by Lisa Simpson.


Well done Year…


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Year 5 and Chrome's Music Maker

Image of Year 5 and Chrome's Music Maker

Year 5 students have embarked on a creative journey with Chrome Music Maker, a free online tool for music creation.

They’ve learned about musical loops, a short piece of music that repeats indefinitely, and used a variety of instruments to create their own. The project encouraged collaboration,…

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Year 5's Body Percussion

Image of Year 5's Body Percussion

Year 5 explored the concept of looping in music through the engaging medium of body percussion. They learned to create sounds using their hands, feet, and bodies and then looped these sounds to form rhythmic patterns.

By layering these loops in groups, they composed intricate musical pieces.…

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Year 1 dance festival

Image of Year 1 dance festival
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Y6 Music

Image of Y6 Music

In music this week, the children looked at the key words of 'texture', 'dynamics' and 'tempo'.


We learnt how to 'conduct' and then created our own 'rain music' - very creative!

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Music on the Waves!

Image of Music on the Waves!

Year 3 have been learning all about rhythm in music and where better to learn about rhythm than on their Viking long ship?

I'm not sure Steve Redgrave practised this way, but we had a great time singing our way across the North Sea!

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Y2 - Music

Image of Y2 - Music

Year 2 have been sorting instruments into different groups - strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. They have listened to a piece of music to identify the instruments being played.

Knowledge: To listen to and analyse an orchestral version of a traditional story

Skills: I can name the four…

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Walk Like an Egyptian

Image of Walk Like an Egyptian

In a classroom not so far away, Year 5 students recently embarked on an exciting and educational musical journey through time. As part of their history and creative arts curriculum, they had the unique opportunity to explore the ancient world of Egypt by not only listening to the iconic song "Walk…

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Here come the Egyptians!

Image of Here come the Egyptians!

On Friday afternoon Year 5 started their musical journey by to learning sing with accuracy, fluency, control, and expression. 

As we delve deeper into our music we will look to explore and use different forms of notation and to use hieroglyphs and stave notation to write a piece of…

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Year 1 Dance

Image of Year 1 Dance
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Year 1 Music

Image of Year 1 Music
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