Year 5 Sports Leaders

Image of Year 5 Sports Leaders

Well done to Year 5 who helped Year 1 on their circuit session in PE today. 


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Y6 SATS Week

Image of Y6 SATS Week

Well done Y6 for a brilliant effort this week for SATS week!


You had 100% attendance and 100% positive attitude and commitment to do your best - well done each and every one of you!


We enjoyed a Teacher v Y6 Pupil football match as a reward and look forward to a special lunch to…

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Year 1 Orienteering

Image of Year 1 Orienteering
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Year 1 dance festival

Image of Year 1 dance festival
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Cultural Capital - Y5 & Y6 - Hoops for Health

Image of Cultural Capital - Y5 & Y6 - Hoops for Health

This afternoon, Years 5 and 6 were treated from a visit by some members of the Cheshire Phoenix basketball team.
Children had the chance to try some dribbling and passing with Cameron Christon, looked at the importance of eating healthy with Aaryn Rai and finally looked at why we shouldn't…

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Y3 PE: Tactics

Image of Y3 PE: Tactics

Year 3 are learning about the use of tactics in sport. 

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Bikeability Y6

Image of Bikeability Y6



Well done Y6 - you have all had a fantastic week of learning how to stay safe while riding your bikes on our busy roads. You learnt lots of new knowledge about road safety and also practised and enhanced your riding abilities.

The instructors were all very impressed with…

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Year 1 Reindeer Run

Image of Year 1 Reindeer Run

Raising money for our school.  Thanks to everyone who sponsored us!

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Year 1 Sports

Image of Year 1 Sports
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Y6 Healthy Me

Image of Y6 Healthy Me

Wow! Thank you Year 6 for such brilliant learning logs. You were challenged to reflect upon 'Healthy Me'. We considered healthy food options, the importance of exercise and the functions of the heart. Great job!



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Y6 Keeping Healthy

Image of Y6 Keeping Healthy

This week, Y6 have been looking at keeping healthy. In particular we have focussed on diet, exercise and the structures and functions of the heart.


We can describe the effects of exercise on the body.

We identified the key food groups and looked at which ones should not make up a large…

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Year 1 PE

Image of Year 1 PE
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