One Kind Word

Image of One Kind Word

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, children in Year 4 have being exploring how 'One Kind Word' can make someone smile. 


We explored the different words and phrases we could use to make someone's as well as small little gestures.   



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Teeth, Teeth, Teeth

Image of Teeth, Teeth, Teeth

Today, in Science, we looked at our own teeth and then created our own scientific models using marshmallows.  Children then labelled the type of teeth and stated what the function of each. 


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We Will Remember

Image of We Will Remember

Children used different shading techniques to create our artwork as part of our Remembrance Day activities.



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Food Collages

Image of Food Collages

Today, the children learnt about the importance of 'Rainbow foods' in our diet and were encouraged to try new foods.  The children had lots of fun creating food collages inspired by the Italian artist, Guiseppe Arcimbaldo. 


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Silly Billy

Image of Silly Billy

Children in Year 4 have been discussing their worries and what they could do if something is worrying or upsetting them.  We talked about the importance of telling someone they trust and made talking pegs, just like Billy in the story.   


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