Safety Seymour
Year 3 received a visit from Safety Seymour, a superhero bear from outer space on a mission to teach children and their families about carbon monoxide (CO) and how to protect ourselves, making homes safer.
Carbon monoxide can be very dangerous and can make you very ill. You can’t see it, hear…
Year 2 - Dog's Trust Workshop
Year 2 enjoyed a visit from the Dog's Trust. They were involved in a half hour workshop, learning all about the five rules of keeping safe around dogs.
Knowledge: identifying: how to keep ourselves safe around dogs.
Skills: to learn the five rules of keeping ourselves safe around…
It's a dog's life
Year 3 had a visit from the dog trust and learned all about how to be around dogs safely.
Roman History
Year 3 enjoyed their day learning about the Romans and Roman Chester.
We found out about why the Romans invaded and why the Roman army was so successful.
Y6 STEAM Festival
We journeyed out of school to the Ellesmere Port Boat Museum. We had lots of fun and lots of learning in our workshops today including:
- Magic of Chemistry
- Detective Science
- Road Markings
- Busy Bees
Well done all!
Year 1 World Book Day
We have dressed up as book characters and brought in our favourite books. We buddied up with Year 5 children to share our books with each other.
Year 5 STEAM Festival
Year 5 visited the National Waterways Museum to take part in a STEAM Festival. Pupils took part in several workshops including being crime scene detectives, building sprites for a game and then creating their own ideas for drones.
Brilliant work Year 5!

Y6 Playground Project: Visit to Birkenhead Park
A super trip with the Year 6 children today. We went to Birkenhead Park - the blue-print for the world famous Central Park in New York City. We looked at all the features that make a great park. After half-term we will be using this as inspiration to design and make our very own playgrounds in…