19 Dec

Y2 - R.E

Year 2 have been finding out about the similarities and differences between Shabbat and Hanukkah celebrations.

Knowledge: I can describe how Shabbat (day of rest) is important to a Jew and how Jews may go to Synagogue during this period.

Skills: I can discuss some of the events from each…

13 Dec

Y2 - R.E

Year 2 enjoyed exploring the Nativity story at Hope Farm Church last week.

Knowledge: to understand its importance to Christians at Christmas time.

Skills: through the characters' perspectives, to say why the birth of Jesus was so important for Christians

Vocab: Nativity, Magi, Gold,…

29 Nov

Year 2 - RE

Year 2 have been exploring the Jewish celebration of Purim and have been baking fruit tarts for a banquet.

Knowledge: to retell the events of a Purim celebration

Skills: to know that Purim is an event on the Jewish calendar

Vocab: Purim, banquet, charity, fruit tarts, freedom, Esther,…

26 Nov

Year 1 RE

21 Oct

Year 1 Trip

14 Oct

Y6 Church visit

Well done Y6 - we had a very exciting and informative visit to St John's the Evangelist Church today.


Father Antony explained the layout of the church and meanings behind Christian symbols.



7 Oct

RE: Hinduism

Year 3  made the most of the sunshine today to act out the origin story of Diwali.

It tells of how Rama and Sita defeat evil with the aid of the Monkey king and find their way home with the aid of the lights to guide them.

26 Sep

Y2 - R.E

Year 2 have been discussing and role playing the story of Moses and how he was saved from death by his big sister, Miriam.  We talked about how "big sisters" help us and our family.

Knowledge: to answer the question "How did Miriam show courage and truthfulness and choose right from…

22 May

Humanism Speaker

This afternoon, Mr Brassington from Humanism UK came into class to build on the children's knowledge and understanding of Humanism.  The children asked some great questions and gave some very detailed answers.

Well Done Year 4! 

5 Feb

Year 1 RE

23 Jan

Y2 - Visit from the Reverend Dutton

Year 2 invited the Reverend Dutton to talk about the role of Jesus as a healer.  The children listened to the story of Jairus from the Bible and learned why people followed Jesus and who his 12 disciples were.


Knowledge: I can explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on…

16 Jan

Y3 Visit to St John's Church

Year 3 went to St John the Evangelist to learn about sacred texts and the Bible.

Even Mr Orme got in on the action!

Many thanks to Father Antony for a very special visit to church this afternoon.