Humanism Speaker
This afternoon, Mr Brassington from Humanism UK came into class to build on the children's knowledge and understanding of Humanism. The children asked some great questions and gave some very detailed answers.
Well Done Year 4!
Y2 - Visit from the Reverend Dutton
Year 2 invited the Reverend Dutton to talk about the role of Jesus as a healer. The children listened to the story of Jairus from the Bible and learned why people followed Jesus and who his 12 disciples were.
Knowledge: I can explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on…
Y3 Visit to St John's Church
Year 3 went to St John the Evangelist to learn about sacred texts and the Bible.
Even Mr Orme got in on the action!
Many thanks to Father Antony for a very special visit to church this afternoon.
Y3 RE: The Bible
Year 3 are learning about the Bible in R.E. this term. Today we have been finding out all about what a sacred text is.
Y2 - "Meet the Characters" visit to Hope Farm Church
Year 2 has a wonderful time visiting Hope Farm Church and learning a little more about the Nativity story.
We had a lovely visit this afternoon from Helen who practises the Bahai faith.
If you don't know, Bahai is one of the newest major religions having started in the 19th century.