Year 1 trip

Image of Year 1 trip
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Y6 Church Visit

Image of Y6 Church Visit

Y6 spent a lovely afternoon with the Reverend Dutton in St John's Church.

His question and answer session was so very informative. The Y6 children behaved respectfully and asked some really thoughtful questions. Very enlightening! 


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Year 2 - RE

Image of Year 2 - RE

Year 2 visited St John's the Evangelist church today and met the Reverend Dutton who explained why Jesus and the parables he told are so important to Christians.

Knowledge: to retell some of the parables of Jesus

Skills: to say why Jesus' stories were important to his followers


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Image of R E

Year 3 have been looking at God and why some people have a faith. 

We wrote a few questions to God while we were at it as well.

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What do Humanists believe?

Image of What do Humanists believe?

This morning, Peter from Humanism UK came into class to build on the children's knowledge and understanding of Humanism.  The children asked some great questions and gave some very detailed answers.

Well Done Year 4! 

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Y2 - RE

Image of Y2 - RE

Year 2 have been exploring the parables that Jesus told to his followers. This activity is based upon the story of the Two Builders where the first builder built his house on a foundation of sand instead of rock.

Knowledge to be able to retell some of the parables that Jesus told.

Skills: to…

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Y2 - RE

Image of Y2 - RE

Year 2 have been exploring the parables of Jesus and have been creating their own stick puppets to retell the story of The Lost Sheep.  From this parable, the children are beginning to understand why people follow Jesus and how he cares for everyone, whether they have been good or…

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Year 2 - RE

Image of Year 2 - RE

Year 2 have been exploring who was Jesus and how important he is to Christians today.  Children now understand that Jesus was a miracle worker or a healer. 


Knowledge: Explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on Earth and how some of these were called disciples. Can tell…

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Understanding the World - Celebrating Easter and visiting our local church.

Image of Understanding the World - Celebrating Easter and visiting our local church.

This week Reception class have been learning all about why Easter is important to Christians. We discussed the Easter story and visited Father Antony at our local Church - St John the Evangelist. He showed us around and we discovered why the church was so special to people in our local…

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Assembly: Ramadan

Image of Assembly: Ramadan

In Assembly with Mr Orme this morning, we paused to reflect on Ramadan, considered to be one of the holiest months of the year in the religion of Islam.  Followers of Islam are called Muslims.  Muslims believe that there is one true god called Allah.  Ramadan is in the ninth month of the Islamic…

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RE - Year 2

Image of RE - Year 2

Year 2 were creating their own disciple shield to show what represents them as a person.

Knowledge:  Explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on Earth and how some of these were called disciples.


Skills:I can say ideas which are important to me and can say what I think…

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Y6 RE - Sikhism

Image of Y6 RE - Sikhism


Learning about how Sikhs worship.

Learning why the Gurdwara is important to the Sikh community. 

Why do Sikhs have a Langar?

What is the Golden Temple like?



Langar, Guru Granth Sahib, Khanda, Gurdwara, equality, worship

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