8 Nov


Building circuits with Y6!

The Year 6 children were challenged to build 'complete circuits' to light up bulbs and to sound buzzers when we turned the switch on.

We then considered how the brightness of the bulb would be effected by making different changes to the circuit.

Well done…

10 Oct

Year 5 - Making an Alloy

Year 5 had an exciting science lesson today! They created model alloys using Play-Doh as the base material. By adding different additives like sand and salt, they explored how these changes affected the properties of their “alloys.” It was a hands-on experiment that helped them understand the…

10 Oct

Y2 - Science experiment


Year 2 have set up an experiment to investigate how food can create gas in the stomach.  They used sodium bicarbonate and vinegar and observed over time the chemical reaction.


Knowledge: I can describe the importance of eating the right amounts of different types of food

Skills: I…

7 Oct

Year 3 science: observing over time

Year 3 have been observing what happens to bones if you leave them in different solutions over time.

3 Oct


Children in Year 4 have been using everyday items to explore the human digestive system. 



3 Oct

Year 5 Magnetic and Non Magnetic

This afternoon, Year 5 have been hard at work at seeing which items were magnetic an non magnetic.

Well done Year 5

26 Sep

Y5 Science - Reversible Changes with Chocolate

This afternoon in science, Year 5 had quite the tasty experiment whilst looking at the difference in physical qualities of chocolate before and after having heat applied. We heated the chocolate up in our mouths and hands.

We also compared room temperature chocolate to frozen chocolate.


19 Sep

Y5 - Exploding Bag


Today in science Year 5 explored what would happen when white vinegar and baking soda react to each other.

We noticed that when there was a chemical reaction between the two a gas, carbon dioxide, was created which filled the bag. We hoped for the bags to explode, but as the bags were too…