Friction in Y3

Image of Friction in Y3

Year 3 have been learning that the smoother the surface, the less friction occurs.


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Year 5's investigation into transparency

Image of Year 5's investigation into transparency

This afternoon Year 5 has been hard at work completing an investigation on the transparency of everyday objects.

Brilliant investigating Year 5!

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Y2 - Science

Image of Y2 - Science

Year 2 have had lots of fun investigating how some foods can give us gassy stomachs!

Knowledge: observing closely, using simple equipment

Skills: predict what happens when investigating why some foods give us gas in our stomachs

Vocab: gas, stomach, investigate, predict, healthy and…

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Year 2 - Mad Science Workshop

Image of Year 2 - Mad Science Workshop

Year 2 have been inspired in a Mad Science workshop this week.  They learned all about energy and how we can make chemical energy using a glow stick and water!

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Year 1 Science

Image of Year 1 Science
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Year 1 Science

Image of Year 1 Science
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Year 1 Science

Image of Year 1 Science
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Year 1 Science/Geography

Image of Year 1 Science/Geography
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Mad Science

Image of Mad Science

Year 3 enjoyed the Mad Science assembly this morning

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Year 5 - Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment: Lessons in Scientific Resilience

Image of Year 5 - Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment: Lessons in Scientific Resilience

Year 5 students recently explored the classic reaction between baking soda and vinegar, aiming for the anticipated fizzy eruption. However, a small hole in the bag used to contain the reaction led to an unexpected twist. The carbon dioxide gas escaped, preventing the bag from expanding and…

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Year 3 Science

Image of Year 3 Science

Year 3 have been learning about Rocks this half term.

As part of that we have learned how fossils are formed

and how soil is made.

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Year 5 Science - Seperating Materials - URENCO Workshop

Image of Year 5 Science - Seperating Materials - URENCO Workshop

This morning, Year 5 had Martin from URENCO visit us. Martin gave the class a separating materials workshop.

Pupils took part in various activities. Pupils were comparing different substances and seeing how they themselves could separate materials using centrifugal force.

The class…

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