Reader of the Week

Image of Reader of the Week

Here are our very worthy winners of the Reader of the Week certificate.  Well done everyone!

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Y2 - Literacy

Image of Y2 - Literacy

Year 2 have been writing their own instructions of how to make a peg doll, following their study of Major Glad and Major Dizzy which discusses the theme of old toys.

Knowledge: Develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for writing by: writing for different purposes.

Skills: to be able…

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Year 2 - RE

Image of Year 2 - RE

Year 2 have been exploring who was Jesus and how important he is to Christians today.  Children now understand that Jesus was a miracle worker or a healer. 


Knowledge: Explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on Earth and how some of these were called disciples. Can tell…

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Year 2 - Hop, Skip and Jump Sponsored activity

Image of Year 2 - Hop, Skip and Jump Sponsored activity

Year 2 managed to complete a mile of hopping, jumping and skipping around our Daily Mile, raising money for the Hospice of the Good Shepherd in our local community.

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Year 2 trip to the Lady Lever Art Gallery

Image of Year 2 trip to the Lady Lever Art Gallery

Year 2 enjoyed a trip to the Lady Lever Art Gallery on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  They looked carefully at designs and decorations on furniture, tapestries and paintings.

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Year 2 Maths - Measuring in grams and kilograms

Image of Year 2 Maths - Measuring in grams and kilograms

Year 2 have used balances to explore how to measure mass in grams and kilograms.

Knowledge: to use standard units of measure for mass.

Skills: to use a balance accurately.

Vocab: balance, measure, grams, kilograms. pans, mass, object

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Year 2 - Science

Image of Year 2 - Science

Year 2 have been very busy planting summer bulbs and vegetable seeds in our bedding area.  

Knowledge: know how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants.

Skills: be able to observe, over time the growth of plants, noting the changes in the plant's development.

Vocab: plant, seeds, bulbs,…

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Down Syndrome Awareness

Image of Down Syndrome Awareness

We have had a informative and interactive assembly from Steve at Down Syndrome Cheshire this morning.  He explained all about World Down Syndrome Day and how we can support it. 


World Down Syndrome Day is 21st March each year.


To raise awareness, children are invited to come to…

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Year 2 - My favourite book

Image of Year 2 - My favourite book

Krystian has brought his favourite book into school today.  It's called Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Big Shot).  He has read a couple of pages to the children and explained his favourite part of the book.

"I chose this page because Greg (that's the main character) stood on one leg to fire a shot into…

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RE - Year 2

Image of RE - Year 2

Year 2 were creating their own disciple shield to show what represents them as a person.

Knowledge:  Explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on Earth and how some of these were called disciples.


Skills:I can say ideas which are important to me and can say what I think…

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World Book Day - Year 2 and 4

Image of World Book Day - Year 2 and 4

Isaac and Emily are sharing their favourite books with each other for World Book Day.

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World Book day - Year 4 and 2

Image of World Book day - Year 4 and 2

Year 2 have enjoyed sharing their favourite books with year 4.

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