Y2 - Design and Technology
We have been learning all about how to make baby bear's chair using cardboard cylinders.
Knowledge: To produce a finished structure and evaluate its strength, stiffness and stability.
- I can identify that the chair I design needs to be strong, stiff, stable and support…
Y2 - Design and Technology
Year 2 have been exploring the sugar content in different types of drinks - some surprisingly unhealthy! They have also completed a results table to compare the most sugary drinks.
Knowledge: learn about the basic rules of a healthy and varied diet to create dishes.
Skills: to know where to…
Y2 - Maths
Year 2 have been revisiting number bonds to 10 in preparation for learning number bonds to at least 20.
Knowledge: to recall all number bonds to and within 10 and use these to reason and calculate bonds to and within 20.
Skills: to use ten frames to work our pairs of numbers to…
Reader of the Week
Well done to all our very worthy winners of the Reader of the Week certificate.
Look at our activities for lunchtimes on the KS1 playground. We have lots to do and explore.
Our activities include: reading, writing, drawing, chalking, playing basket ball, climbing on stilts, skipping, hopscotch, connect four and lots more!
Y2 - Trip to Safety Central
Year 2 had a really informative day, learning all about home and road safety at Safety Central in Lymm.
Y2 - Cricket
Year 2 have been enjoying a series of cricket training sessions with Cheshire Cricket Club.
Knowledge: I know how to hit (strike) a ball (with a racket) with accuracy and power to beat an opponent.
Skills: to use the flat of my bat to strike the ball.
Vocab: throwing, catching,…
Y2 - Literacy
Year 2 had lots of fun creating a conscience alley to decide whether or not the main character Little Red from the story of the Last Wolf should stay in the cottage with the Last Wolf, Bear and Lynx.
Knowledge: to explore the characters' feelings, motives and emotions at a significant…