Y2 - DT

Image of Y2 - DT

Year 2 have been learning how to create a fairground wheel using axles and pivots.

Knowledge: I can create joints and structures from paper/card and tape.

Skills: I can choose materials that will create strength for my structure.

Vocab: pivot, axle, rotation, stability

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Y2 - Design and Technology

Image of Y2 - Design and Technology

Year 2 have been exploring the component parts of  a Ferris wheel.

Knowledge: to build and test a moving wheel.

Skills|: to make my wheel rotate; to make it stable.

Vocab: structure, stable, rotate

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Y2 - Maths

Image of Y2 - Maths

We have been revisiting addition and subtraction problem solving using our knowledge of number bonds to 100.

Knowledge: use number bonds to 100 

Skills: use the inverse to check my calculations

Vocab: inverse, number bonds


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Y2 -Science

Image of Y2 -Science

In Science, we have been exploring the suitability of materials.  This experiment involved testing the strength of paper and cardboard.


Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard…

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Y2 - Geography

We are using maps to locate the Jurassic coast


Locate coasts in the UK


Identify physical features of a coast

Vocab: coast, coastline, arch, stack, shoreline, beach

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Y2 - Position and Direction

Image of Y2 - Position and Direction

We have been learning all about |Position and Direction in maths using the Beebot

Knowledge: to recognise full turns, half turns and quarter turns.

Skills: to use the language of ":forwards, backwards, left and right"

Vocab: as above

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Y2 - Online Safety

Image of Y2 - Online Safety

Year 2 have been looking at how to be kind online.  They have explored different scenarios and discussed the importance of telling a responsible adult if they feel uncomfortable online.

Knowledge: Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.


Skills: I can identify…

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Year 2 Online Safety

Image of Year 2 Online Safety

Today in our Online Safety lesson, we looked at whether certain websites were appropriate for children.

Well done Year 2! Great work!

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Y2 - Whitby Park

Image of Y2 - Whitby Park

Year 2 have had a lovely time at Whitby Park, flying kites.

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Y2 - Science

Image of Y2 - Science

Year 2 have had lots of fun investigating how some foods can give us gassy stomachs!

Knowledge: observing closely, using simple equipment

Skills: predict what happens when investigating why some foods give us gas in our stomachs

Vocab: gas, stomach, investigate, predict, healthy and…

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Y2 - Visit from the Reverend Dutton

Image of Y2 - Visit from the Reverend Dutton

Year 2 invited the Reverend Dutton to talk about the role of Jesus as a healer.  The children listened to the story of Jairus from the Bible and learned why people followed Jesus and who his 12 disciples were.


Knowledge: I can explain more about why people followed Jesus when he was on…

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Year 2 - Mad Science Workshop

Image of Year 2 - Mad Science Workshop

Year 2 have been inspired in a Mad Science workshop this week.  They learned all about energy and how we can make chemical energy using a glow stick and water!

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